Idumea Intertestamental Period
- Description
The stock image shows the geographical location of the region, which is located to the south of Judea and east of the Sinai Peninsula. The map highlights the various cities and towns that were present in the region during this period, including Mareshah, Adora, and Hebron. It also shows the major trade routes that ran through Idumea, which made it a strategic location for commerce and military campaigns.
During the Intertestamental Period, Idumea was a largely desert region inhabited by the Edomites, who were descendants of Esau. The Edomites had been conquered by the Israelites under King David and later by the Babylonians, but they were able to regain control of the region following the Babylonian exile of the Jews. Idumea played an important role in the conflicts between the Jews and their neighbors during the Second Temple period, and it was a center of Jewish resistance against the Roman Empire during the Jewish Revolt in 66-70 CE.
The stock image provides a visual representation of the region’s historical and geographical significance during this time, as well as its connection to the larger political and military conflicts of the era.